Updating Your Home: Door and Window Replacement

Windows have changed significantly over the last decade. Many homes used to have the same old square aluminum windows, with some exceptions. When you walk around your neighbourhood today, you’ll likely see many different styles of windows: round windows, corner windows, casements, sliders, bay windows and more. And it’s not just windows – you can now get any kind of door you want, in any colour, shape, or size. Installing new windows and doors is a great way to give your home a contemporary look. And having new windows and doors won’t only make your home look great; it can also improve your energy consumption, saving you money. There are many experts in Ottawa that specialize in door and window replacement along with a long list of other services.

The modern look that’s practical

Simply replacing your windows and doors is a quick and cost-effective way to significantly improve the look and value of your home. Today’s windows are of the highest quality – nothing gets in or out once they’re sealed.  Many companies offer windows that are Energy Star-certified. Energy Star-certified windows have gone through rigorous testing, and have met a strict set of qualifications set by SAWDAC. When it comes to window replacement, you can’t go wrong with Energy Star.

Time for an upgrade: door and window replacement

Unless you’ve had your doors and windows replaced in the last 20 years, chances are they’re not sealed properly. If your windows and doors aren’t properly sealed, you could be wasting a significant amount of energy each year. This not only makes your energy bill higher, it also increases your energy consumption. We live in an age where going green is always a hot topic, so having inefficient windows doesn’t make much sense. Talk to your local dealer if you’re interested in learning more about window and door replacement.

You might be thinking, “Why should I replace my doors and windows when they still work fine?” Well, they may not be working as well as you think. Do you ever get that cold breeze that can’t be explained? Do you feel like your home is always cold even with the heat cranked? Is there always moisture on your windows? If so, you probably need new windows and doors. Upgrading your doors and windows can make your home much more comfortable, with no more mystery breezes or heat loss.

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