Save Birds And Your Windows

Prevent Collisions with Your Windows While Protecting Bird Populations With These Tips

In North America, an estimated one billion birds are killed each year as a result of collisions with windows. It’s a tragic problem, not to mention a costly one, warranting frequent window repairs.

Birds mistake the reflections in glass for a safe space to fly. In some cases, the light in windows attracts migrating birds; additionally, some birds attack their own reflections to defend their territory.

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help prevent such collisions, making your windows safer for birds and avoid costly window repairs:

Window Screens and Netting

By installing screening or mesh netting the exterior of your windows, obstructing the reflection on the glass and lessening the impact. The collision will be less harmful to the birds, and your windows won’t be damaged.

Double-hung windows come standard with exterior screens, so consider them as a bird-friendly option when replacing windows in your home.

Window Film

One-way transparent window film adds an opaque sheen to the exterior surface while allowing you to see through the window clearly from the inside of your home. The opaque side is not reflective, so birds will not be drawn to the windows.


When you’re going to bed, leaving your home, or not using a room, outside window shutters can be closed to prevent birds from flying into your windows. Shutters can also further insulate your windows and provide privacy.

Obstruct Visual Paths

For parts of your home with many windows—especially windows facing each other on opposite walls—it is important to prevent the illusion of an outdoor path for birds. Window adhesives can deter birds, or you can obstruct these visual paths by closing blinds and doors in these areas of your home.

Relocate Bird Feeders

If you have bird feeders, make sure they are either three feet from your windows or more than 30 feet away. Fatal bird collisions often happen after a bird has been feeding and takes off at a high speed.

By taking these simple precautions, you can avoid window repairs while taking a few steps towards protecting birds.

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