Is It Time for a New Patio Door Installation?

4 Signs to Look for in Your Patio Doors Now That Spring Has Arrived in Ottawa

When was the last time you used your patio door? Now that the snow’s melting, it’s time to look carefully at the windows and doors in your home, and take stock of what needs fixing or replacing. A patio door instillation can be quick and painless with the help of a professional. Here are four signs that it’s time to have your patio door repaired or replaced:


Have you noticed a draft of cold air around your patio door? If you are noticing a breeze coming through your door, even when it’s shut tight, it’s time to consider repair or replacement. Drafts can lower the energy efficiency of your home, raising the cost of your heating and cooling bills. Having your patio door serviced will lower your monthly bills so you can feel comfortable all year round.

Difficulty Operating

Not many people operate their patio door in the winter. Now that the snow is melting, take some time to test your door. Does the lock work properly? Is it easy to open and close? You may also notice water around your door or squeaky hinges. If you are having trouble operating your door properly, you should call a patio door instillation specialist to take a look. This is a security risk for you, your family, and visitors, so make sure it’s handled correctly.


If you’re thinking of redoing your patio, don’t neglect the door. Patio doors are a great design feature in the home—one that connects the interior and exterior designs of your home. Doors can be made to match many different styles and functions, so this is a great opportunity to update your outdoor space.

Visible damage

With weather like we have in Ottawa, doors go through a lot of wear and tear to protect you from the elements all year long. If you notice that the frame is cracking and breaking, or that there are cracks and holes in the glass, you need to replace the door as soon as possible. This kind of damage makes the door dangerous to use, lowers the energy efficiency of your home, and is a security threat. You will sleep easier knowing that all the doors in your home are safe and secure.

Having a new patio door installed in your home is a great opportunity to update a design feature, increase the energy efficiency of your home, and ensure your home is safe and secure for your family. Spring is a great time to replace your door so you can relax and enjoy the warm weather when it comes.

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