Windows and Doors: Don’t Try this at Home!

When You Replace Doors and Windows, Trust the Experts for a Job Well Done

Does your home need new windows and doors? Maybe you want to replace a clunky old double-hung window with a new energy-efficient model, or perhaps your doors are looking a little rough around the edge and you thought you’d give steel a try. Whatever the reason, you’ve found yourself looking at deals on new doors and windows and thinking to yourself, “I could install that…”

Well, unless you’re an experienced contractor, we’re here to tell you why that is not usually a good idea, and why you should trust your installation to an experienced and certified expert.

The Cost

This may seem a bit confusing—after all, isn’t the biggest reason why people take on a DIY project because they want to save money on the cost of installation or labour? And if your project goes off without a hitch, this may ring true. But the moment anything goes wrong, your costs go up. You can also expect to be paying full price for materials, whereas contractors and installers have direct access to manufacturers, bringing the overall cost of a project down.

The Time

Another aspect is time. Installing new windows and doors can be a very quick job when done by somebody who has the experience, knows how to handle complications as they arise, and has the tools and materials on hand at all times. When you do it yourself, you may find yourself running around trying to gather all the materials you need, stopping partway through to Google something or make a run to the tool shop for something you didn’t predict—the list goes on.

Protecting Your Investment

So say you did manage to source and install a new door or window all by yourself. That’s awesome! But if, in a year, or five, or ten, something went wrong—a manufacturing flaw revealed itself, or a mistake made during installation catches up with you—and you’re back to square one, shelling out on a new installation or repairs. But when you have your doors and windows installed by professionals, you get a warranty too. That warranty may cover up to 20 years for both the product itself and the labour, meaning that if anything goes wrong, you’re covered.

The Little Details

The biggest reason why you should trust your installation to an expert is because they know how to work with the fine details that only experience and training can prepare you for. Landscape, weather, and wind are all great examples of these kinds of factors—for example, do you know whether your door should open inwards or outwards? A door opening the wrong way in a place with strong winds can lead to whining seals and undue difficulty opening and closing it. These are the kinds of things experienced window and door installers can compensate for!

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