Great Windows in Ottawa: What to Look For

Ottawa Window Companies Carry Powerful and Innovative Products for Your Home

Is it time to trade in your old windows for new ones? If your windows are difficult to open or close, have drafts, don’t block outside noise, or frequently develop condensation between the panes, it’s probably time to shop around for new ones. Many home owners only need to shop for replacement windows in Ottawa once or twice in their lifetime. Here are some of the improvements that have been made in window technology in the past decade to increase the energy efficiency and functionality of your home.

Double- and Triple-Glazed Windows

The majority of older windows in Ottawa are single-glazed, meaning there is just one layer of glass in the frame separating your home from the world outside. Today, window companies in Ottawa all sell double- or triple-glazed windows. They provide not only an extra layer of glass to protect your home, but additionally a spacer that provides superior insulation from the elements. These features have greatly improved the energy efficiency of many homes, saving money for homeowners and protecting the environment.

Improved Hardware

The most airtight and efficient windows in your home are the ones that don’t open. However, you’ll still want to be able to open some of your windows to improve the airflow in your home. Hardware improvements over the past decade have ensured that the windows in your home are energy-efficient and functional for your space. Whether you have sliding, hung, casement, or awning windows, you can count on them sealing tightly when closed.

Low-Emissivity Glass

Ottawa window companies use low-emissivity coatings on glass—one of the most significant changes in window technology. The coating limits the ultraviolet and infrared light that can pass through the glass. The thickness and types of coatings can vary from window to window as needed, providing an extra layer of protection to keep the heat inside in the winter and outside in the summer.

Energy Star Certification

When the Energy Star rating system began 25 years ago, its goal was to promote the creation and use of energy-efficient products around the world. This program has become a great resource, helping homeowners select window (and other products) that suit their home and save energy. Energy Star certifications are granted to window manufacturers whose products meet or exceed the industry standard for efficiency.

Windows have come a long way in the last few decades. With the institution of double- and triple-glazed windows, low-emissivity glass coatings, better hardware, and Energy Star ratings, you can get so much more out of your windows than ever before. Check out your local Ottawa window company to learn more!

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